Saturday, November 17, 2012

Facing Our Country's Judgments

My apologies for disappearing for a while. So much has unfolded in the last few my own life, as well as in the country.

In light of all that has happened with the past presidential election, God has been impressing upon my heart a certain verse. It is from  Ezekiel 7 and reads:

"According to their judgments I will judge them, and they shall know that I am the LORD."  

If you read the chapter of Ezekiel in context, you hear of a people that forgot their God. It is a very brutal text, speaking harsh truths and telling about the judgments the Israelites faced for living in sin. 

Yet, I think we as Christians are required to face the harsh truths. We need to wake up to the sobering reality, before we go forth with joy changing the country for God's glory.

To be honest, the current outlook of America is very bleak. It can be easy to forget this when nothing in our own lives changes right away, change will come. It comes slowly, progressively, but it will come.

In spite of the consequences, we must remember that God allows us to face the judgments we have chosen for His purposes. And ultimately, He is still in control, and through the circumstances we will remember that He is the Lord.

I would encourage everyone to read the article listed at the end before changing gears to celebrate the holidays. 

It tells of how we lost the election to Barrack Obama:

-Whose policies are anti-American
-Who covers up and lies about his irresponsibility in foreign affairs with the terrorists killing three Americans and an American Ambassador in Libya
-Who handles the economy terribly with unemployment still up, and more people on food stamps
-Whose actions allowed our federal debt to skyrocket to $16.1 trillion 
-Who passed a bill to enforce government-subsidized health care (starting in 2014, the government will force you to get health care through them, or pay a fine. You will still have to pay taxes for it either way. Plus, they will monitor you).
-And who is strongly pro-abortion

This is harsh stuff. Yet, we need to know where we stand as a nation with poor leadership in America.  We need to seek God's forgiveness for not caring enough to take action. 

Please read the following link, and continue to pray for our nation.
READ THIS: Why We Lost the Republic