Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Our Generation, the LEAST American?

If you are between the age of 18-29, then you are a part of Generation Millennial. Sounds cool, doesn't it? Do you realize that our generation is supposedly the "most educated generation in American history"?

At least, the studies done by Pew Research seem to be making this case. Yet I find that hard to believe when examining the statistics closer. If we are "smart," then we have lost something greater: wisdom. Generation Millenial, while you may be the "most educated," you are undoubtedly the LEAST American.

Here's the facts:

In the study by Pew Research, compared to older adults, Generation Millennial is:

-less religious
-less likely to have served in the military
-less skeptical of government
-believes government should do more to solve problems* 

*in other words, they want the government to have more programs that would cause us to have greater debt and be controlled by it even more

Here's a quote from Pew Research's article The Millennials: Confident, Connected, Open to Change:

"To be sure, Millennials remain the most likely of any generation to self-identify as liberals; they are less supportive than their elders of an assertive national security policy and more supportive of a progressive domestic social agenda. They are still more likely than any other age group to identify as Democrats."

More supportive of a progressive social agenda? Like socialism? Yikes! How did this play out in election of 2008?

"Politically, Millennials were among Barack Obama's strongest supporters in 2008, backing him for president by more than a two-to-one ratio (66% to 32%) while older adults were giving just 50% of their votes to the Democratic nominee. This was the largest disparity between younger and older voters recorded in four decades of modern election day exit polling."

Uh-oh....we've been DUPED. Taken in by the agenda of those in support of a very anti-American, and anti-Christian vision: the progressive, socialist liberals!

My big question is: where were the young Christian adults last election? Were we too wrapped up in Facebook? Celebrities? The latest movies, music, and so on to take notice?

We should have dug deeper to see what our political leaders were actually about instead of listening to the twisted tales the liberal press spits out.

Now we have in office a man who:

-supports abortion
-supports homosexuals
-passed a law regulate government subsidized healthcare (aka Obamacare)
-let our debt increase to $4 trillion
-supports the idea of big government, or a one-world government (this is socialism!)

And much more! (But we will get into more of that in a later post).

Are these things that we as Christians should be supporting? No! Are they Constitutional, and promote a limited government like our founders intended? No! But unfortunately our generation has supported them by voting liberal, and backing the same things as our president, Barrack Obama.

So, are we better educated? Perhaps. But educated by whom? Mostly the anti-Christian, socialist left.

This my friends is called INDOCTRINATION. Watch the video below to better understand what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

  1. Very thought provoking!
    We need to wake up and start paying attention, or we're gonna feel the effects of our actions!

